couples therapy

Married or committed couples seek counseling or therapy to discern their road forward, for example:

To learn how to be together in a peaceable loving relationship

To heal the breaches post- affair

Perhaps to make tough decisions, and pave the road towards a healthy break-up or divorce…


When marriages or partnerships (including work partners, adult siblings, or even close friends) hit a massive roadblock in the flow of care for one another, coming together into Couples Therapy or Marriage Counseling is an avenue out of the impasse. I have studied and learned techniques from both EFT and AEDP (with individuals and couples), along with Systemic Family Therapy; I have the skills to help shift relationships back into loving territory, even when it may seem impossible. I am well-versed in helping dating couples decide to move forward towards marriage or commitment. This may include therapy or counseling as they plan a wedding which meets their particular needs, given complex family backgrounds.

Sometimes couples come for help post-divorce to heal from past anger. New ways to share custody or co-parent, while entering into their own new separate lives is possible. Giving your children a healthy divorce may be the best possible option, and can allow both partners (and of course the kids) a huge sense of relief.

I am also well-versed in therapy with less traditional relationships. This includes mixed-orientation marriages, (eg, one couple member recognizes they are gay, non-binary or Trans), couples in an open relationship, and work within a polyamory framework.